Lernmaterialien, Jobs, Masterarbeiten und PhDs
© Taylor Gregory - UnsplashDer BiUZ Marktplatz ist der Ort für den Austausch von Lernmaterialien (Bücher, Karteikarten etc.), Masterarbeiten, PhDs, Jobs und Praktika. Erstelle einen BiUZ World Account und inseriere kostenlos.
Master of Science Thesis Position in Neuroimmunology
Master thesis investigating the involvement of brain macrophages in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of Small-Molecule Inhibitors Targeting DNA Repair
Master's thesis on DNA repair inhibitors: Characterize hits from high-throughput screens using biochemical, biophysical, cellular, and in silico methods; supervised by PhD student and Prof. Sartori.
Master thesis: Prediction of Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Melanoma Patients
Master thesis at the Institute of Experimental Immunology, UZH, in the group of Prof. Burkhard Becher. Duration: 9-12 months. Technical supervisor: Dr. med. Jonas Schmid.
Master thesis: Adaptation of bacterial pathogens to human diets
We are offering an exciting Master thesis project exploring how bacteria evolutionary adapt to shifts in human diets
Molecular mechanisms of predatory bacteria moving and feeding on other bacteria
We are looking for a Master student passionate about research on predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus which kills other bacteria.
Master thesis in immune metabolism and autoimmunity
Located at Center of Experimental Rheumatolgy in Schlieren, available to start anytime, contact: Bojana
Master thesis: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction
We seek master’s students passionate about studying cardiac fibrosis using 3D models, organ-on-chip, tissue imaging, tissue slices, and multi-omics technologies in a cutting-edge research environment.
Screening of transcriptional regulators of cytokines production by human T cells
Master of Science Thesis Position Duration: 9-12 months (start: as soon as possible) Laboratory of Prof. Burkhard Becher, UZH. Technical supervisor: Dr. Fernando Canale
The role of B cells and EBV-infection in Multiple Sclerosis
Duration: 9-12 months (start: as soon as possible) Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Burkhard Becher, Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zürich. Technical supervisor: Dr. Fernando Canale
Open PhD position on Neotropical Fish Palaeontology and Systematics
Open PhD position on Neotropical Fish Palaeontology and Systematics at the the Department of Palaeontology of the University of Zurich. See attached job ad for more info.
Msc Thesis in Medical Microbiology
We are offering a 1-year Master thesis project in the field of medical microbiology for early 2025. The student will investigate the resistance determinant of Tigecycline in M. abscessus.
3D-modelling of the adrenal gland and adrenal tumors
Recently, we have established a new adrenal and pancreas based 3D-modeling platform and aim now to uncover highly relevant and dynamic cellular processes related to various endocrine diseases.
MSc Thesis in HIV research
We are looking for a MSci student to join a project on the interferon response to HIV infection. The student will establish the genetic modification of stem cells for in vivo studies.
Moving Towards Personalized Medicine: Precision Cut Skin Slices to Model Gene-Resposive Signatures
We are looking for a master student to establish a humanized 3D model using precision cut tissue-slices to characterize the molecular changes occurring in the skin of systemic sclerosis patients.
Antimicrobial Resistance Landscapes for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
We are looking for a master student interested in evaluating antimicrobial susceptibilities of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains from clinical samples
Doctoral Insights Symposium, 24 Sep 24 at 14h00
Are you a student eager to delve into the world of life sciences and think about pursuing a doctorate? Join us for a free event designed to provide invaluable insights into the benefits of a PhD
Master Thesis on protein engineering
We are looking for a Master student to help developing new optogenetic tools for investigating GPCR signaling functions in living animals. The project is in the Patriarchi Lab at IPT.
Master Thesis in the Evolution of Brain Size in Xenarthra
We are looking for a master student to quantify the trend towards smaller brains in megafaunal representatives relative to extant ones using the largest virtual skull dataset for armadillos and sloths
Master Thesis in Evolution of Horse Brains
We are looking for a master student to analyze the tempo and mode of brain evolution at micro and macroevolutionary scales in Island horses using non-invasive imaging and the resulting 3D models.
Master Thesis in the Evolution of Guts of Goldfish & Brains of Pigeons
We are looking for a master student to study mechanisms behind the generation of diversity through domestication using new imaging methods to evaluate hypotheses about organ systems.
Master thesis in Fish Macroevolution
We are looking for a master student to study the origin and patterns of change of Neotropical freshwater fish fauna with the help of fossils and by using non-invasive and diverse methods.
Master thesis: MRI study to investigate changes in Migraine and Epilepsy patients
We are looking for a master student for the high-field MRI study to investigate changes in chronic migraine and drug-resistent epilepsy patients.
Master's position in Bioinformatics
The URPP Evolution in Action: From Genomes to Ecosystems ( is seeking Masters students for projects in bioinformatics.
PhD stipends at the Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP), Aalborg University, Denmark
Interested in pain neuroscience and a PhD abroad? See:
Master Thesis in Reproductive Biology / Early embryogenesis
The Cavazza lab is looking for a master student to study the basic mechanisms of mammalian early embryogenesis. Two projects are possible. See PDF for details.
Reviving ancient proteins – How did proteins function billions of years ago?
Research project for master students | Summer/Fall 2024. Our team travels back in time and explores proteins which are older than 4 billion years. Did the molecular mechanisms remain conserved?
Master thesis in centromere biology
We are looking for a master's student to study how some transposable elements specifically target the centromere for insertion. The Master thesis is part of Thomas Wicker's group at IPMB
Master thesis in fungal genomics
We are looking for a master student to study the genomic determinants of presence-absence variations in wheat powdery mildew. The Master thesis is part of the Wicker group at IPMB.
Masterstudent Wanted! Wnt signaling in colorectal cancer
We are looking for a motivated master student to join the Basler group to work on colorectal cancer using organoids and CRISPR.
Master thesis in Genetics
I am looking for a motivated Master student to support me with my work on hox genes and their role in cell proliferation and cancer initiation.
Master Thesis in Plant-Insect Chemical Ecology
Seeking a Master student for a thesis project titled “The Effect of Within-tree Microclimatic Gradients on Plant Phenology & Plant-herbivore Interactions”.
Sexual Conflict in Chacma Baboons
Seeking Master students for a project on wild chacma baboons and sexual conflict, led by Dr. Tony Weingrill. Requires 5-6 months in field at Swebeswebe Wildlife Estate, Limpopo, South Africa.
Image-based systems biology of embryonic development
We, at the Pelkmans lab, have open MSc and PhD positions for motivated candidates to join our efforts in studying how self-organisation emerges during embryonic development. Join us!
Toward personalized vaccinology for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients
Identifying factors responsible for a delayed immune reconstitution and impaired vaccine response in allogeneic hematopoietic transplant recipients using biostatistical and machine learning methods.
The impact of placebo on autonomic responses
Investigate the complex interplay of pain-autonomic responses, sensitization of the nociceptive system and expectations.
Cytoplasmic freezing in yeast, a novel phase transition phenomenon| Master's project
This project seeks to identify a live marker for cytoplasmic freezing in fission yeast, involving genetic manipulation, confocal microscopy, data analysis, and nanomaterials to study cell properties.
Master’s Thesis Position: Legionella pneumophila virulence and persistence
Description: Join the Hilbi lab and contribute to exciting projects investigating the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and elucidating the emergence of persistence in L. pneumophila.
Master thesis: Neuroimaging (EEG and/or MRI) to assess lower urinary tract (dis-)function in patients with neurological diseases
Neuro-Urology deals with diseases and functional disorders of the lower urinary tract (LUT) due to damage or lesion of the nervous system.